| DR. MR. ILANGO [16106001] Director, MCA Master of Computer Applications |  | |
Research Work |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Ph.D | 18-11-2013 | 18-11-2013 | One day | Awarded Ph.D degree on 18.11.2013. Thesis title is "Mining of Projected Clusters in High dimensional Data using Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm. |
Paper Publication (International) |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Projected Clustering Algorithms - A Review | 24-10-2012 | 24-10-2012 | One day | Published a research paper in the title Projected Clustering Algorithms - A Review in IJERT [International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology] in October 2012 [Volume 1, Issue 8] | 2. | "Survey of Grid Based Clustering Algorithms" | 16-08-2010 | 16-08-2010 | August 2010 | I have published a paper in the title "Survey of Grid Based Clustering Algorithms" in "International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (IJEST)" Vol.2(8), 2010, 3441-3446. ISSN: 0975-5462 | 3. | PCFA: Mining of Projected Clusters in High Dimensional Data using modified FCM Algorithm | - | - | May'2012 | My Paper "PCFA: Mining of Projected Clusters in High Dimensional Data using modified FCM Algorithm" is accepted for publication in "International ARAB Journal of Information Technology" in may 2012. |
Resource Person |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Acted as Judge for paper presentation | 20-03-2017 | 20-03-2017 | One day | Acted as Judge for the paper presentation event in the technical symposium "Refliechir'17" organized by ECE department. | 2. | Acted as Judge for paper presentation | 15-03-2017 | 15-03-2017 | One day | Acted as Judge for the paper presentation event in our talent show "Gala'17" organized by MCA students. | 3. | Acted as resource person and handled a session on DBMS in "Awareness on Computer Applications" workshop | 20-02-2017 | 21-02-2017 | Two Days | I have handled a session "Database Management System and its applications" for UG final year students in the workshop on 21.02.2017. 77 students have participated in this workshop. | 4. | One day Workshop | 23-09-2015 | 23-09-2015 | One day | Acted as Chief Guest for the valedictory function organized by MBA department in their workshop | 5. | Short Film Competition | 25-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | One day | Acted as Judge for short film competition held on 25.02.2015 for Under Graduate Students | 6. | Acted as Judge for Paper presentation | 15-02-2014 | 15-02-2014 | One Day | Dr.MR.Ilango acted as Judge for paper presentation event in the technical symposium “BREZZY 2014” organized by Department of Computer Science of Sourashtra College on 15.02.2014
| 7. | One day technical symposium | 12-09-2012 | 12-09-2012 | One day | Acted as judge for the paper presentation event in the technical symposium organized by MBA department. | 8. | Foundation Programme - Infosys campus Connect | 23-11-2009 | 27-02-2010 | 3 months | Handled RDBMS sessions for Students of CSE, IT in the Infosys Compus connect programme organized by KLNCE. | 9. | IBM Academic Initiative | 04-12-2006 | 06-12-2006 | 3 days | Handled sessions on DB2 for final year students of CSE, IT and MCA in the IBM Academic Initiative | 10. | Acted as Judge | 23-09-2006 | 23-09-2006 | One day | Acted as judge for the paper presentation event in the one day national level technical symposium "TECHNOCRATS'06" on 23.09.2006 organized by IT department | 11. | Placement Training Programs | 18-11-2005 | 29-12-2005 | 2 months | Acted as resource person and handled training sessions on Database Management Systems (DBMS) subject for final year students of UG and PG. | 12. | FDP on Advanced Databases | 06-01-2005 | 08-01-2005 | 06-01-2005 to 08-01-2005 | Handled a session in the title "Distributed Databases" in our FDP on Advanced Databases to other college staff members | 13. | Faculty Development Program | - | - | Sep'2009 | Handled a session on "Distributed Databases" in the Faculty Development Program organized by CSE Department of KLNCE | 14. | National Confrerence | - | - | March 2010 | Acted as Judge for the paper Presentation event in the National Conference organized by MCA department of K L N College of Information Technology. | 15. | Mock Audit | - | - | Oct'2010 | Acted as resource person for Mock Audit in the Accreditation Process of MCA Department of K L N College of Information Technology. | 16. | Technical Symposium | - | - | Feb'2007 | Acted as judge for the paper presentation event in the technical symposium organized by IT department of KLNCE. |
Awards / Achievements |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Annual day Data - Preparation Convener | 16-04-2016 | 16-04-2016 | One day | As a convener, I have collected data from 11 UG departments and 2 PG departments from 9th April onwards. We have prepared the initial copy and refine it 3 times. Also, Principal Sir and Dr S M Kannan Sir also have added some more data and report was ready only on 15.04.2016. | 2. | Advisor - 18th Graduation Day | 26-03-2016 | 26-03-2016 | One day | Acted as Advisor for the 18th Graduation day function on 26.03.2016. More than 750 graduates have received their degree certificates in this function. Mr S Shyam Sundar, Senior General Manager, Human resources, Brakes India Limited, Chennai was the Chief Guest. | 3. | Convener - Best Innovative Project Interview | 21-03-2016 | 22-03-2016 | 2 Days | As a Convener, we have formed a team with Dr S Venvetesan, Prof. EEE, Prof. G R kathiresan, Mech., Prof. S Ilangoven, IT., and started our interview process on 21.03.2016. We have interviewed 5 innovative projects and selected 3 projects for awards. | 4. | Convener - Best Performer Awards | 21-03-2016 | 23-03-2016 | 3 days | As a Convener, We have formed members Prof. C Ashok Baburaj /MCA, Dr N Shabnam / MCA, Suriya Narayanan, AP. Sr. Gr / MBA and started our interview process. 13 students from I year, II Year and III year have appeared for the interview. Our team has selected one Best Performer from I year, II year and III year. | 5. | Session Chair | 21-03-2014 | 22-03-2014 | Two days | Acted as Session Chair for the technical session on "Data Mining" in the International Conference (IET'14) organized by KLNCE | 6. | Acted as Chief Guest | 15-02-2014 | 15-02-2014 | One Day | Dr.MR.Ilango acted as Chief Guest for One Day Inter College Meet “BREZZY 2014” organized by Department of Computer Science of Sourashtra College on 15.02.2014
| 7. | Chief Superintendent - TNOU | 13-06-2009 | 19-07-2009 | 13-06-2009 to 19-07-2009 | Acted as Chief Superintendent for Tamilnadu Open University exams from 13-06-2009 to 19-07-2009. More than 9,000 students have written their exam in K L N College of Engineering in various disciplines. | 8. | Consultancy for Tamilnadu Open University | 14-03-2009 | 22-03-2009 | 14-03-2009 To 22-03-2009 | As a coordinator, conducted practical examination for MCA and PGDCA students of Tamilnadu Open University from 14-03-2009 to 29-03-2009. More than 500 students have written their practical lab examination on saturdays and sundays. | 9. | Guidance for a project team | 27-10-2006 | 15-12-2006 | 3 months | Guided a project team (V Saravanan and N M Balaji - MCA final year students) in their project (Team name is TWIN STAR) in the IBM Great Mind Challange 2006 competition. | 10. | Guidance for a project team in IBM Great Mind Challenge 2006 | 09-10-2006 | 27-12-2006 | 3 months | Guided a project team (Team Name Twinklers) in the IBM great Mind Challenge 2006 competition (Team Members: R Lavanya, B Narmatha, C K Jeyanthi Priya, R Prabhakaran) | 11. | MADITSSIA Membership Directory Project | 09-08-2005 | 28-12-2005 | 4 Months | Acted as project manager for the MADITSSIA Membership Directory project with a team of 6 students and successfully implemented it in MADITSSIA. | 12. | Consultancy for MADITSSIA | 10-07-2004 | 12-12-2004 | 10-07-2004 to 12-12-2004 | As a Project Manager, we have developed a Software in the title "Maditssia Membership Directory" with a team of 6 members and successfully implemented in the month of January'05. |
Conference |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Two days National Conference - WINGS'11 | 08-04-2011 | 09-04-2011 | Two Days | Organized two days National Conference WINGS'11 in association with CSE and IT departments. 67 participants presented their papers in this conference. | 2. | National Conference on WINGS'09 | 16-04-2009 | 17-04-2009 | 16-04-2009 to 17-04-2009 | Organized two days National Conference on "Wireless Information and Networking in Global Systems" on 16 and 17-04-2009 as CO-Convenor. | 3. | Conference - WINGS | 09-03-2006 | 10-03-2006 | 09-03-2006 to 10-03-2006 | One of the Coordinators for the National Conference "Wireless Information Networking in Global Systems" conducted by MCA and CSE departments in the month of March'06. |
Seminars |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Seminar on "Strategic Planning on Institutional Development | 28-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 | One day | Attended one day seminar on "Strategic Planning on Institutional Development" organized by IIPC of KLNCE. The Resource Person of the Seminar was Dr.D.Brahadeeswaran, Vice-President, SEED, Chennai. | 2. | ICTACT BRIDGE 2012 | 21-02-2012 | 22-02-2012 | Two days | I have attended a seminar in the title "ICTACT BRIDGE 2012" organized by ICT Academy, Chennai for 2 days | 3. | Seminar on Body Language and NLP Skills | 10-08-2011 | 10-08-2011 | One Day | Seminar on Body Language and NLP Skills for final year MCA students |
Workshop |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Workshop on Business Intelligence | 27-07-2019 | 27-07-2019 | One Day | Mr.R.Aravindan, Programmer Analyst, CTS [MCA Alumni - 2017 Batch] has handled 2 theory sessions and 1 practical demo | 2. | Web Application Development using Spring and Django | 05-03-2019 | 07-03-2019 | Three Days | Workshop on Spring and Django | 3. | ANDROID Mobile Application Development | 07-02-2019 | 09-02-2019 | 3 Days | Android Mobile Application Development - Hardware requirements, OD details
Contributing POs: PO3, PO5
CO: MC 5402: Mobile Computing | 4. | HADOOP and Big Data Analytics | 26-09-2018 | 28-09-2018 | 3 Days | Students have learned about Big Data and analysis using HADOOP.
POs: PO2, PO3 and PO5
CO: MC 5502. Big Data Analytics | 5. | IoT and its Real time applications | 27-08-2018 | 27-08-2018 | One Day | MCA staff members have handled sessions on IoT and its Applications | 6. | Artificial Intelligence for visual perception | 05-07-2018 | 06-07-2018 | Two Days | This is a workshop on Deep Learning | 7. | Workshop on J2EE | 25-06-2018 | 27-06-2018 | Three Days | Training is given on Java Scripts, Framework and Mongo DB | 8. | Mongo DB | 15-02-2018 | 15-02-2018 | One Day | Training is given on Mongo DB | 9. | Workshop on .NET | 22-01-2018 | 27-01-2018 | Six Days | Sessions on .NET | 10. | Mobile Android Application Development | 04-10-2017 | 04-10-2017 | One Day | I have organized one day workshop on "Mobile Android Application Development" for final year students through EITA Association. Mr Ashok Baburaj will be the coordinator | 11. | Workshop – Big Data Analysis organized by EITA association. | 26-09-2017 | 27-09-2017 | Two days | POs:PO2,PO5 | 12. | Cloud Infrastructure and Services | 21-07-2017 | 28-07-2017 | 4 days | I have organized 4 days workshop on "Cloud Infrastructure and Services" for 14 MCA students. Dr C Ashok Baburaj is coordinator for this workshop. | 13. | Raspberry Pi - IOT | 31-01-2017 | 31-01-2017 | One Day | Workshop | 14. | Mobile Application Development | 07-11-2016 | 07-11-2016 | One Day | Workshop | 15. | One day workshop on Effective Teaching | 14-03-2016 | 14-03-2016 | One day | Attended one day workshop on "Effective Teaching" organized by IT department on 14.03.2016. Dr S Mohan, Prof. Civil, IIT Madras was the resource person. | 16. | Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations | 04-03-2016 | 04-03-2016 | One day | Attended one day workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations" organized by ECE department | 17. | One day workshop on ANGULAR & NODE JS for III year MCA students | 08-10-2015 | 08-10-2015 | One Day | Workshop | 18. | Python with NoSQL | 02-09-2015 | 03-09-2015 | Two days | Workshop | 19. | Two days workshop on PYTHON | 02-09-2015 | 03-09-2015 | 2 days | Organized a two days workshop on PYTHON with NoSQL for MCA final year students | 20. | One day workshop on Network and Cloud Computing | 11-04-2015 | 11-04-2015 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Network and Cloud Computing for final year students | 21. | One day workshop on Soft Skills | 20-03-2015 | 20-03-2015 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Soft Skills for second year MCA students | 22. | One day workshop on Corporate Ethics | 12-02-2015 | 12-02-2015 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Corporate Ethics for second year students through EITA association | 23. | Two days workshop on Android Mobile Application Development | 22-08-2014 | 23-08-2014 | Two Days | Organized two days workshop on Android Mobile Application Development for final year students | 24. | Workshop on Ethical Hacking | 18-08-2014 | 18-08-2014 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Ethical Hacking for final year students | 25. | One day workshop on Big Data Analysis | 28-03-2014 | 28-03-2014 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Big Data Analysis through EITA association for second year and final year students | 26. | Workshop | 08-11-2013 | 09-11-2013 | 08.11.2013 - 09.11.2013 | I have organized a workshop in the title "Writing Technical Articles using LaTeX". | 27. | AJAX | 18-10-2013 | 18-10-2013 | 18.10.2013 | Organized one day workshop by Prof. Subbu Raj, Thaigarajar School of Management | 28. | Cloud Computing | 10-09-2013 | 10-09-2013 | 10.09.2013 | Organized one day workshop on Cloud Computing by Prof. Raman, K L N College of Information Technology. | 29. | ISTE Sponsored One day workshop on Software Testing Tools | 15-03-2013 | 15-03-2013 | One day | Organized ISTE spoonsored one day workshop on Software Testing Tools for final year and second year students | 30. | One day workshop on Mobile Applications using Android | 09-03-2013 | 09-03-2013 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Mobile applications using Android for second and final year students | 31. | One day workshop on Internet Applications on Microsoft Platform | 29-09-2010 | 29-09-2010 | One day | Organized one day workshop on Internet Applications on Microsoft Platform for other college faculties | 32. | Internet Applications on Microsoft Platform | 29-09-2010 | 29-09-2010 | One Day | Workshop on internet applications |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Competency Development Program on PYTHON | 02-08-2017 | 03-08-2017 | 2 Days | Training program on PYTHON | 2. | Data Mining Tools | 30-09-2015 | 01-10-2015 | Two days | FDP | 3. | FDP on Cloud Infrastructure and Services | 28-07-2014 | 01-08-2014 | 5 days | Organized 5 days FDP on Cloud Infra structure and Services for other college faculties | 4. | FDP on "Middleware Technologies" | 29-06-2012 | 29-06-2012 | 29.06.2012 | I have organized a Faculty Development Programme in the title "Middleware Technologies" on 29.06.2012 | 5. | Two days FDP on Image Processing Algorithms and its Applications | 11-02-2011 | 12-02-2011 | Two Days | Organized two days Faculty Development Program on Image Processing Algorithms and its Applications for other college faculties | 6. | FDP on Research Issues in Software Engineering | 23-01-2010 | 23-01-2010 | 23.01.2010 | Organized a Faculty Development Program in the title "Research Issues in Software Engineering" on 23.01.2010.Twenty Faculties from other colleges have participated in this FDP. | 7. | FDP on Recent trends in Operating Systems | 20-02-2009 | 20-02-2009 | 20-02-2009 | Organized a faculty development Program in the title "Recent Trends in Operating Systems" on 20-02-2009 for other college staff members. | 8. | FDP - Middleware Technologies | 10-01-2007 | 10-01-2007 | 10-01-2007 | Organized a Faculty Development Program in the title "Middleware Technologies" on 10-01-2007 | 9. | FDP - Advanced Databases | 06-01-2005 | 08-01-2005 | 06-01-2005 to 08-01-2005 | Coordinator for the Faculty Development Program on "Advanced Databases" conducted by MCA Department | 10. | FDP - Software Quality Management & Software Documentation | 24-07-2004 | 24-07-2004 | 24-07-2004 | Coordinator for the Faculty Development Program organized by the MCA Department on 24-07-2004 |
Short Term Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Workshop on Python | 12-06-2017 | 15-06-2017 | Four Days | Training on Python | 2. | Java Training | 29-06-2015 | 16-07-2015 | Fifteen Days | Short term Course | 3. | Short Term Course on JAVA | 23-06-2014 | 27-06-2014 | 5 Days | Organized five days short term course on JAVA. Mr Rajendran Subramanian of Silicon Software Services handled sessions for final year students. | 4. | Short term course on LAMP | 01-04-2010 | 30-06-2010 | 10 days | Organized 10 days LAMP short term course for final year students. Mrs B Vijayalakshmi will be the In-charge for the short term course |
Symposium |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | VYUHAM 2018 | 20-09-2018 | 20-09-2018 | One Day | This is a technical symposium with 4 technical competitions. | 2. | VYUHAM 2016 | 17-09-2016 | 17-09-2016 | One Day | This is a technical symposium | 3. | VYUHAM 2014 | 15-09-2014 | 15-09-2014 | One Day | Participation of Arts and Science College Students | 4. | Technical Symposium - VYUHAM | 06-09-2011 | 06-09-2011 | One day | Organized one day technical symposium VYUHAM'11 for other college students. 85 students participated. | 5. | VYUHAM 2010 | 18-02-2010 | 18-02-2010 | One Day | Technical Competitions |
Training Course |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Placement training program | 17-06-2019 | 21-06-2019 | Five Days | Staff from Six Phrase have handled sessions on General Aptitude, Logical reasoning and Verbal Reasoning | 2. | Training on AWS | 22-09-2018 | 26-09-2018 | Four Days | College has organized a training course in association with ICTACT. 10 of second year MCA have participated. | 3. | TANCET training program | 05-03-2015 | 06-03-2015 | Two Days | Organized two days awareness training program for students who were appearing for TANCET'14 examination for MCA admission | 4. | Data Mining and Data Warehousing | 17-09-2005 | 17-09-2005 | One day | Attended a one day workshop in the title "Data Mining and Data Warehousing" in P.S.N.A College of Engineering and Technology on 14-09-2005. | 5. | IBM DB2 Universal database Training Programme | 20-12-2004 | 22-12-2004 | 3 days | Attended 3 days training program on IBM DB2 Universal Database training program | 6. | Advanced Databases | 03-10-2002 | 05-10-2002 | 3 Days | Attended a short term course on "Advanced Databases" in Anna University, Chennai. | 7. | E-Commerce | 26-01-2000 | 01-02-2000 | 26-01-2000 to 01-02-2000 | Attended 5 days program on "E-Commerce" in "Amrita Institute of Technology" at Ettimadai, Coimbatore. | 8. | Java Training Program | 01-12-1998 | 28-12-1998 | 01-12-1998-28-12-1998 | Attended a one month training program on Java in our college from 01-12-1998 to 28-12-1998 |
Consultancy Work |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Conduct of Examinations | 13-06-2009 | 19-07-2009 | 4 Months | Acted as Chief Superintendent for Tamilnadu Open University exams from 13-06-2009 to 19-07-2009. More than 9,000 students have written their exam in K L N College of Engineering in various disciplines. | 2. | Practical Lab examinations for TNOU Students | 14-03-2009 | 22-03-2009 | 10 Days | As a coordinator, I have conducted practical exams for TNOU students | 3. | Practical Training to M.K.University DLP students | 01-04-2000 | 30-04-2000 | One Month | As a coordinator I have organized one month practical training in C and Cobol for M.K.University Distance Learning Program (DLP) students and conducted test for them |
Expert Talk |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Expert Talk on Current Technologies | 10-08-2019 | 10-08-2019 | One Day | He has handled a session on Big Data Analysis and Payment of online transactions | 2. | LAMP (Linux Apache MYSQL PHP) | 12-07-2018 | 12-07-2018 | One Day | Resource Person handled a session on LAMP | 3. | Cloud Computing | 30-01-2018 | 30-01-2018 | One Day | She has informed about Cloud Architecture | 4. | Big Data Analytics – HADOOP. | 11-08-2017 | 11-08-2017 | One Day | Discussion on Big data Analytics | 5. | Expert Talk on Soft Skills | 03-03-2017 | 03-03-2017 | One Day | Training on Soft Skills | 6. | Corporate performance Management | 22-10-2016 | 22-10-2016 | One Day | Expert Talk | 7. | Corporate performance Management | 22-10-2016 | 22-10-2016 | One Day | Expert Talk | 8. | Trends in IT | 16-09-2016 | 16-09-2016 | One Day | Expert Talk | 9. | Enterprise Resource planning | 10-09-2016 | 10-09-2016 | One Day | Expert talk | 10. | Web Design and web Development | 06-11-2015 | 06-11-2015 | One Day | Talk | 11. | Expert talk on PHP | 05-08-2015 | 05-08-2015 | One Day | Talk | 12. | Guest Lecture on Current trends in Information Technology | 08-03-2013 | 08-03-2013 | Half Day | organized a guest Lecture on Current trends in Information Technology for final year students. Mr Ramanathan, HR Consultant from TCS is the resource person. | 13. | Guest Lecture on SAP Technologies | 18-09-2012 | 18-09-2012 | Half Day | Organized a guest lecture on SAP technologies for final year MCA students. Mr M S Srikanth, SAP basis Consultant, UNISOFT Infotech, Bangalore is the resource person. | 14. | Guest Lecture on Software Testing Techniques | 14-08-2012 | 14-08-2012 | Half Day | Organized a guest lecture on Software testing techniques for final year students. Ms Gladis Anna Jothi, Software quality Assurance Engineer, STC is the resource person. | 15. | Guest Lecture on How to become an Successful Entrepreneur | 05-07-2012 | 05-07-2012 | Half Day | Organized a guest lecture on How to become an successful Entrepreneur for final year students. Mr S Karthikeyan, Manager, Aavin is the resource person. | 16. | Recent Trends in Information Technoogy | 21-05-2012 | 21-05-2012 | One Day | Expert Talk | 17. | Expert Talk on Software Testing | 12-03-2012 | 12-03-2012 | One Day | Expert Talk | 18. | Expert Talk on "Current Trends in IT" | 12-03-2012 | 12-03-2012 | One Day | Expert Talk | 19. | Expert Talk on Cloud Computing | 24-09-2011 | 24-09-2011 | One Day | Expert Talk | 20. | Guest Lecture on Linux Apache MySql and PHP (LAMP) | 20-07-2011 | 20-07-2011 | Half Day | organized half day Guest Lecture on LAMP for second year students | 21. | Expert talk on Testing Tools | 20-09-2010 | 20-09-2010 | One Day | Expert Talk | 22. | .Net Technologies | 08-10-2009 | 08-10-2009 | One Day | Expert Talk on Vedha Technologies |
Industrial Visit |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Industrial Visit to SMP Diary | 07-09-2017 | 07-09-2017 | One Day | Ms Gunaseeli, Mrs R Kiruthika and Mrs B Geetha have accompanied MCA students | 2. | Industrial visit to BSNL | 20-07-2016 | 20-07-2016 | One Day | Industrial Visit to BSNL, Southern Telecom Region, Madurai |
C S R Activity |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | PYTHON - Make it Simple | 15-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | One Day | Training is given in two theory sessions from 10 AM to 1 PM. Hands-on-training is given in MCA laboratory from 2 PM to 4 PM. | 2. | Skill Enhancement Program on Computer Fundamentals | 02-03-2018 | 02-03-2018 | One Day | training is given on JAVA, Oracle and Web Design and Computer Fundamentals. | 3. | Ideal Training program for IT Career | 12-02-2018 | 12-02-2018 | One Day | He has handled a session on PYTHON | 4. | Internship Program on “Awareness on Computer Applications” on 20.02.2017 & 21.02.2017 | 20-02-2017 | 21-02-2017 | Two days | Training to other college students | 5. | Internship Program on “Ideal Training for IT Career” | 15-02-2017 | 16-02-2017 | Two days | Training to other college Students | 6. | Internship Program on “Ideal Training for IT Career” | 29-02-2016 | 01-03-2016 | Two days | Ideal training for IT Career | 7. | Workshop on DotNet technologies and Java | 12-02-2016 | 12-02-2016 | One Day | Talk | 8. | One day Java Training program to Yadava arts College students | 11-01-2016 | 11-01-2016 | One Day | Talk | 9. | TANCET Training | 05-03-2015 | 06-03-2015 | Two days | TANCET Training | 10. | Training to School Students | 02-01-2015 | 02-01-2015 | One Day | Training | 11. | Training on MATLAB | 03-01-2014 | 03-01-2014 | One Day | Workshop |
Others |
S.No. | Title | From Date | To Date | Period | Details | 1. | Talent Competitions | 12-01-2019 | 12-01-2019 | One Day | Elocution, Drawing and Rangoli Competitions | 2. | Hackathon’2K17 – Honeywell Technologies | 13-10-2017 | 14-10-2017 | 2 Days | 3 Teams of MCA participated in Hackathon'2k17 conducted by Honeywell. | 3. | Alumni Meet | 07-07-2017 | 07-07-2017 | One Day | Interaction with Alumni | 4. | Talent Show - GALA'2017 | 15-03-2017 | 15-03-2017 | One Day | Department Technical Competition for MCA Students | 5. | Women's Day Celebration | 08-03-2017 | 08-03-2017 | One Day | Women' Day Celebrations. Competitions for Girl Students. | 6. | GATE 2016 | 06-02-2016 | 06-02-2016 | One day | Acted as Deputy Presiding officer for Gate 2016 exams organized by our college in association with TCS. Totally 800 students have attended the Online exams in 2 batches (Morning 9 Am to 12.00 and Evening 2 PM to 5 PM). We acted as DPO for Centre 2 which includes 6 laboratories. | 7. | Internal Mock Committee Member - NBA work - CSE Department | 27-01-2016 | 27-01-2016 | One day | As a member of Internal Mock Committee, visited and inspected presentation slides and documents with other members and given suggestions for improvement | 8. | Member in Physical Stock Committee | 28-12-2015 | 28-12-2015 | 2 months | As a member visited UG library with Convener K S K Subramanian sir and started to verify the physical stock of books, transfer of books to other departments etc | 9. | Convener - Best Performer Awards | 09-03-2015 | 10-03-2015 | Two Days | As a convener, we have interviewed 12 students from I, II and III year among with team members Dr A Kannan, S Suresh Raja, R S Balasenthil, and T C Suriya Narayana Parbhu. We have selected one student as best performer for I Year, II year and III year. | 10. | Short Film Competition | 25-02-2015 | 25-02-2015 | One day | Organized one day short film competition for Under Graduate Arts college students | 11. | Advisor - 17th graduation day | 07-02-2015 | 07-02-2015 | One day | As a advisor, I have convened 3 preliminary meeting with Principal, HOD's, and other conveners for the successful execution of 17th Graduation day function held on 07.02.2015. More than 700 students have received their degree certificates in this function. | 12. | Bridge Course for Direct Second year | 07-07-2014 | 10-07-2014 | 4 Days | Organized 4 days Bridge Course for newly admitted direct second year students. | 13. | Advisor - 16th Graduation Day | 01-03-2014 | 01-03-2014 | One day | As a advisor, I have taken all necessary steps for the successful execution of sixteenth graduation day function held on 1st March 2014. more than 600 graduates have received their degree certificates in this function. | 14. | Advisor - 15th Graduation Day | 22-06-2013 | 22-06-2013 | one day | As a advisor, I have made all arrangements for the successful execution of fifteenth Graduation Day. | 15. | Incharge for fourteenth graduation day | 11-08-2012 | 11-08-2012 | One day | As a In-Charge, I have made all preliminary arrangements for the successful execution of the fourteenth graduation day held on 11.08.12. More than 850 graduates have received their degree certificates. | 16. | Convenor for Graduation Day | 10-04-2010 | 10-04-2010 | One Day | As a convenor coordinates all activities for the twefth Graduation day Function. More than 400 graduates participated. | 17. | Chairman for a probe committee | 05-03-2010 | 10-03-2010 | 6 days | As a chairman, along with committee members Prof.SM Kannan and Prof. Lakshmi Narasimman called 6 students and asked about allegations against a staff member and submitted the report on 10.03.2010 | 18. | Convenor for Graduation Day | 18-04-2009 | 18-04-2009 | 18-04-2009 | As a Convenor, coordinates all activities for the graduation day program. More than 400 graduates received their degrees in this function. | 19. | Committee member for EAP | 27-09-2004 | 27-09-2004 | One day | Acted as committee member for the 8th Entrepreneurship Awareness Program Organized by KLNCE | 20. | Industrial Visit Coordinator | 01-07-2002 | 30-06-2005 | 01-07-2002 to 30-06-2005 | As a Industrial visit coordinator, I have arranged several Industrial visits. MCA students have visited Industries like Infosys, American Info Solutions, etc | 21. | Placement Coordinator | 01-07-2001 | 31-10-2006 | 01-07-2001 to 31-10-2006 | Worked as Placement Coordinator for MCA Department for 5 years.
I have conducted various programmes to improve the technical
skills, communication skills etc of mca students. | 22. | Project Coordinator | 01-07-2000 | 30-06-2005 | 01-07-2000 to 30-06-2005 | I have worked as Project Coordinator for six years. I have coordinated all project activities for final year MCA students of six batches from 2000 to 2005 |