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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
About IQAC
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of K.L.N. College of Engineering was formulated on 15.2.2017. At present Dr.D.Pradeepkannan ,Prof/EIE as Co-ordinator and Dr. S. Venkatesan as the Co-coordinator of the Cell. The main focus for the formulation of IQAC is to establish quality metrics consistently in all the initiatives of academic and administrative activities for the overall performance of institution.
Objective of IQAC
To develop a quality culture in the institution that imbibes the quality metrics for consistent improvement in the various academic and administrative activities.
Functions of IQAC
- Dissemination of various quality standards for the various academic and administrative activities
- Creating awareness on quality aspects, their implementation through various quality circles and monitoring of quality measures of the institution.
- Conduct of various workshops and seminars to improve the quality measures and for the promotion of quality circles in the institution.
- Functioning as the pivotal group of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities for the development, dissemination and implementation of best practices.
- Facilitating the creation of favorable ambiance in the institution for quality education and faculty development required for participatory teaching and learning process
- Documentation of the various programmes and measures leading to quality improvement in the institution for the purpose of enhancing the institutional quality.
- Establishing a proper feedback system for the quality measures from all the stakeholders for continuous improvement.
- Preparation of quality assurance report based on the quality metrics and assessment criteria developed by NAAC in the prescribed format.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) - Members
Sl.No |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. K.N.K. Ganesh secretary & Correspondent |
Management Representative |
2 |
Dr. A.V.Ramprasad ,Principal |
Chairperson |
3 |
Dr.D.Pradeepkannan ,Prof/EIE |
Coordinator- IQAC |
4 |
Dr.S.Venkatesan ,Prof/EEE |
Co-coordinator |
5 |
Dr.S.M.Kannan, Prof &Head/EEE |
Member (teacher) |
6 |
Dr.V.Kajalakshmi ,Prof &Head/ECE |
Member (teacher) |
7 |
Dr.p.Udhayakumar, Prof &Head/Mech |
Member (teacher) |
8 |
P.R.Vijayalakshmi ,Prof &Head/CSE |
Member (teacher) |
9 |
Dr.P.Ganeshkumar Prof &Head/IT |
Member (teacher) |
10 |
Dr.M.R.Ilango Director MCA |
Member (teacher) |
11 |
Dr.T.Jothimurugan ,Director MBA |
Member (teacher) |
12 |
Dr.S.Porselvi, Ap/Mech |
Member (teacher) |
13 |
A.P.Ram ganesh ,AP/IT |
Member (teacher) |
14 |
S. M. Baskar , Manager K.L.N.CE |
Member(Administrative Staff) |
15 |
Dr. B. Parthasarathy ,Prof/ EEE |
Member (Alumni representative) |
16 |
T.S.Rambhilash baabu , Managing Director, Jayasree spun bonds, Madurai |
Member (Industrial External Expert) |
17 |
Mr.K.V.R.Srinivasan, |
Member( parent representative) |
18 |
B.Keerthana, Roll no:216302, I-year AIDS |
Member (Student Representative) |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) - Review Committee Members
Internal Quality Assurance Cell 2021-22
Sl.No |
Criteria coordinators |
C |
Designation |
1 |
Dr.A.Umarani |
C1 |
Prof/EIE |
2 |
Dr.S.M.Kannan |
C2 |
Prof&Head/EEE |
3 |
Dr.M.R.Thanasekar |
C3 |
Prof/Mech |
4 |
Dr.S.Sureshraja |
C4 |
5 |
Dr.S.Janaki raman |
C5 |
Prof/ECE |
6 |
Dr.M.R.Ilango |
C6 |
Director/MCA |
7 |
Dr.D.Satheeshpandian |
C7 |
ASP/Mech |
1 |
Dr.A.V.RamPrasad, Principal |
Chairman |
2 |
Dr.D.Pradeepkannan, Prof/EIE |
Coordinator |
3 |
Dr.S.Venkatesan, Prof/EEE |
Co-coordinator |
4 |
Dr.S.M.Kannan Prof& Head/EEE |
Member |
5 |
Prof S.Nagammai,Prof& Head/EIE |
Member |
6 |
Dr.V.Kejalakshmi,Prof&Head/ECE |
Member |
7 |
Dr.J.K.Subhashini, HOD/Maths |
Member |
8 |
Dr.M.R.Ilango, Director/MCA |
Member |
9 |
Mr.C.Bala Murali Krishnan, Lab Inst/Eng |
To Assist the Review Committee |
NAAC Self Study Report Preparation Coordinator and Members
Criteria |
Name of the Co-ordnitaors |
Members |
Criteria 1:Curricular Aspects |
Dr.P.R.Vijayalakshmi,HOD/CSE |
Dr.A.Umarani, Prof/EIE
Mr.M.Satheesh kumar, AP/IT
Mr.P.Ganesh Babu, AP/MCA
Assisted by K. S. Vasumathi Lab Asst/ CSE |
Criteria 2:Teaching Learning and Evaluation |
Dr.S.M.Kannan, HOD/EEE |
Dr.K.Gnanambal, Prof/EEE
Ms. V. Sindhu, AP2/EEE
Assisted by Mr. S. Murugesan, Lab Instructor / EEE & Mrs.S.R.Chitra,Clerk/ EEE |
Criteria 3: Research, Consultancy and Extension |
Prof/ Mech |
Dr.S.Miruina Joe Amali, Prof/CSE
Mr.N.Nagasubramanian, AP/Mech
Mr.R.Somaskandan, ASP/MCA
Assisted by Mr.B.Soundra Pandi/ Mech.Engg |
Criteria4:Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Dr.S.Suresh Raja,ASP/MCA |
Mr.D.Pravin Kumar, ASP/CSE
Mr. J. Sulthan Ali Khan, AP/CSE
Assisted by Mr. N. R. Balamurugan, Lab Assiatnt/ CSE |
Criteria5:Student Support and Progression |
Dr.V.Kejalakshmi, HOD/ECE |
Dr.N.Janakiraman, Prof/ECE
Ms.L.Meenakshi,AP/ECE, Ms.P.Sharmadha,AP/ECE
Assisted by T. D. Prrethi Mai, Lab.Instr.,/ ECE |
Criteria 6:Governance, Leadership and Management |
Dr.R.M.Satheesh Kumar, HOD/AUE
Dr.T.Jothimurugan,Dir/MBA |
Mr.N.Rajkumar, ASP/AUE
Mr.L.Vivek Krishnakumar, AP/AUE
Assisted by Mr. K.K.Rajesh, Lab. Inst..,/ AUE |
Criteria7:Innovations and Best Practices |
Mrs.S. Nagammai, HOD/EIE
Dr.M.R.Ilango,Director/MCA |
Dr.D.Pradeep Kannan, Prof/EIE
Mrs.B.Vijayalakshmi, AP/MCA
Assisted by (Mrs.K.K.Sharmila, Lab Instr./EIE) |
Revised List of Criteria Coordinators and Review Committee Members w.e.f 03.09.2020
Criteria & Name of the Criteria |
Name of the Coordinator |
Review Committee |
Criteria 1:
Curricular Aspects |
Dr.A. Umarani,
Prof. /EIE |
1. Dr.A.V.RamPrasad,
Principal Chairman /IQAC
2. Dr.D.Pradeepkannan, ASP/EIE,Coordinator/IQAC
3. Dr.S.Venkatesan, Prof/EEE
Co- Coordinator/IQAC
4. Dr. R. M. Sathesshkumar,
Prof.&HoD/AuE – Member
5. Dr.T. Jothimurugan,
Director/MBA – Member
6. Prof.R.V.SureshBabu,
7. Dr.R.Gandhidasan,
HOD/Chem Member
8. Dr.J.K.Subhashini,
HOD/Maths Member
9. Mr.C.BalaMurali Krishnan
To Assist the Review Committee |
Criteria 2:
Teaching Learning and Evaluation |
Prof.&HOD/EEE |
Criteria 3:
Research, Consultancy and Extension |
Prof,/ Mech |
Criteria 4:
Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Criteria 5:
Student Support and Progression |
Prof.&HOD/ECE |
Criteria 6: Governance, Leadership and Management |
Dr. M.R. Ilango,
Director/MCA |
Criteria 7:
Innovations and Best Practices |
Prof.&HOD/EIE |

S.No. |
Date |
Meeting |
1 |
04.01.2019 |
2 |
12.08.2018 |
IQAC – DVV Clarifications Discussion |
3 |
05.10.2018 |
IQAC - NAAC – PTV Planning meeting |
4 |
12.10.2018 |
Data for AY2017-18 Discussion- Criteria-1,2, 3 and 4 |
5 |
13.10.2018 |
Data for Ay2017-18 Discussion - Criteria -5,6,7 |
6 |
13.10.2018 |
IQAC review on QCs |
7 |
15.10.2018 |
IQAC – Review on Academic Support Units like EDC, Alumni, IPC, GRC, ARC, WEC , POSH and Administrative office |
8 |
17.10.2018 |
NAAC - Criteria 1,2,3 Process Discussion |
9 |
20.10.2018 |
IQAC review on QC- SG, QE, PE and ARD |
10 |
22.10.2018 |
PTV – Dissemination Meeting with all Teaching and Non teaching |
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S.No. |
Date |
Meeting Review |
1 |
13.03.2017 |
2 |
23.03.2017 |
3 |
04.04.2017 |
4 |
14.04.2017 |
5. |
17.04.2017 |
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Best Practice 2019 - 2020
Best Practice 2018 - 2019
One Day Workshop on “How to Facilitate Virtual Learning” on 16.10.20
Resource Person : Dr. P. Ganeshkumar , Prof./IT
Webinar on Smart Learning Environment for Teaching Learning Environment for the faculty members of MK University on 20.08.20.
Resource Persons :
Dr. P. Ganeshkumar, Prof. /IT and Mr. J. Gautam , AP/IT

Webinar on Demonstration of Smart Learning Platforms on 09.08.2020 .
Resource Persons :
Dr. P. Ganeshkumar, Prof. /IT and Mr. J. Gautam , AP/IT

Date |
Event |
Resource Person |
16.05.2020 |
Distribution of Rice Pack , Wheat, Dhal Pulsus during Covid -19 Pandemic (In Association with UBA). Chief Guest : Er. K.N.K. Karthik, President , KLNCE |
06.05.2020 |
Face Mask Distribution to the Public during Pandemic (In Association with UBA) |
08.02.20 |
A session on “Hydrophonic – Growing Plants without Soil” – A New Framing Strategy for Green Environment |
Ms. M.S. Hamsi Suganya, Managing Trustee, Nature World Research and Foundation
23.01.20 |
Enhancing quality through Autonomous |
Dr. S. Shanmugavel, Director , National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
Dr. K. Manisekar, HOD/Mechanical, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
16.09.2019 |
A Special Motivational Talk on " Challenges in Digital Era" |
Mr. S. Satheese, Director, Relationship Foundation, Trissur.
Programmes - 2018-2019
Road Safety Awareness on 07.02.2019
Resource Person :
Thiru. Sethu, Inspector Of Police, Thiruppuvanam.

Programmes - 2017-2018
Three Days Workshop on Engineering Education - Challenging Task to Supporting Staff during 3-5, May 2018.
Resource Persons:
- Dr. S. M. Kannan, Professor and Head / EEE
- Dr. R. Alageswaran, Professor and Head / IT
- Dr. P. Udayakumar, Professor and Head / Mechanical
- Dr. P. Loganthurai, ASP/EEE
- Mr. G. M. Nagarajan, ASP/Mechanical

Awareness Programme on NAAC to the students on 20.12.2017.
Resource Persons:
- Dr. A. V. Ram Prasad, Principal & Chairman / IQAC
- Dr. R. Alageswaran, HOD/IT & Coordinator/IQAC
- Dr. P.R. Vijayalakshmi, HOD/CSE & Criteria Coordinator/NAAC

Special lecture on "How to Pick the Right Career on 22.8.2017
Resource Persons: Mr. Rajesh, Co-founder of FACE
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Programmes - 2016-2017
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S.No |
Regulation Detail |
Link |
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AQAR- 2020 - 2021 |
5 |
AQAR- 2019 - 2020 |
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AQAR- 2018 - 2019 |